Wednesday, 22 February 2012

ECGC Recruitment 2012- Online Application for 30 Probationary Officer Vacancies

  Unknown       Wednesday, 22 February 2012

ECGC Recruitment 2012- Online Application for 30 Probationary Officer Vacancies: Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India invites Online Applications for recruitment of 30 Probationary Officer vacancies. Valid IBPS PO/MT Score card holders may apply online on or before 03/03/2012. 

ECGC Vacancy Details:
Name of Post: Probationary Officer__30 Probationary Officer.

Age Limit: Candidate’s age must be between 20 to 30 years as on 01/01/2012.

Educational Qualification: Candidate must be a Graduate with minimum 60% marks or Post Graduate with minimum 55% marks or Graduation with minimum 50% marks with professional qualification such as CA, ICWA, CFA and MCA (or) any equivalent qualification.

IBPS score card: Candidates must possess a valid IBPS score card of Common Written Examination to be submitted at the time of Interview.

Application Fee Details: SC/ST/PWD candidates must pay Application Fee of Rs. 50/- and all others must pay Rs. 200/- Fee must be paid into the Account No. 022101601000500 in form of Challan downloaded from at any branch of Corporation Bank or through NEFT at any Bank, in the name of ‘ECGC Probationary Executive Officers Recruitment Project 2011-12′.
Selection Procedure: Selections would be made on basis of Score in CWE conducted by IBPS followed by Personal Interview.

How to Apply: Candidates must apply Online on or before 03/03/2012 from Before applying Online the candidates need to pay application fee either in form of Challan or NEFT and get the payment receipt duly filled. Candidates must also ensure that they have a valid email id which is kept active during the entire recruitment project period.

Important Dates:
Opening Date for Online Registration: 20-02-2012
Closing Date for Online Registration: 03-03-2012
Fee payment dates: From 20-02-2012 to 03-03-2012
Last date for reprint:18-03-2012.

For other details like Vacancy distribution, age relaxation, selection process, pay scale, probation and bond details and other instructions and conditions, click on the link given below…

Click Here for Downloading Fee Payment Challan.

Thanks for reading ECGC Recruitment 2012- Online Application for 30 Probationary Officer Vacancies

1 comment:

  1. Free Register at - Sing up link- ...
    Government Jobs
