Friday, 15 June 2012

United Bank of India – Apply Online for Specialist Officer Vacancies 2012

  Unknown       Friday, 15 June 2012

United Bank of India – Apply Online for Specialist Officer Vacancies 2012: United Bank of India invited Online applications for the post of Agricultural Field Officers (JMG SC –I) and Technical Officers (JMG SC I)

Job Location:- All India

Vacancy Details:
Name & No. of Posts:

1. Agricultural Field Officers: 38 posts
2. Technical Officers: 06 posts
i. Technical Officers (Civil Engineer)
ii. Technical Officers (Electrical Engineer)

Age Limit: Candidates age must be between 20 years to 35 years as on 01-12-2011.

Educational Qualifications: Candidate must possess Degree in Agriculture or Allied for Agricultural Field Officers post and B.E/B.Tech or equivalent in a relevant discipline from a recognized University for Technical Officers post.

Application Fee Details: Applicants need to pay application fee of Rs. 100/- for General and OBC candidates and Rs. 20/- for SC/ST/PWD.

 Selection Process: Eligible candidates will be selected on the basis of Score obtained in IBPS CWE for Specialist Officers, Group Discussion and/Interview.

How to Apply: Candidates need to apply for the post online on or before 29-09-2012.

Important Dates:
Starting Date for Online Registration: 15-06-2012 to 29-06-2012
Dates for Payment of Fee: 15-06-2012 to 29-06-2012

For  More information regarding The age limit, educational qualification, application fee,selection process, application format, no. of posts, experience, how to apply and other details of United Bank of India Specialist Officers recruitment  are available on below link……

Note:- After submission of application candidates must take the print out of Application Form and retain it for further use.

Thanks for reading United Bank of India – Apply Online for Specialist Officer Vacancies 2012


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  2. Please provide me the complete information regarding the Bank of India Specialist Officers Recruitment that is recently notified in order to fill the 702 Vacancies of Managers, Security & Technical Officers in the Bank.
