Thursday, 25 April 2013

Indian Army Recruitment 2013 – Soldiers Recruitment Rally at Bhavnagar

  Unknown       Thursday, 25 April 2013

Indian Army has issued notification for the recruitment of Soldiers in the Kutch and Saurashtra region including DIU conducts recruitment rally at Bhavnagar. Eligible candidates can attend for recruitment rally at Bhavnagar from 02-05-2013 to 09-05-2013.

Name of the Post:
1. Soldier General Duty
2. Soldier General Duty (Teh Lakhpat & Rapar of Kutch Dist)
3. Soldier Technical
4. Soldier Technical (Nursing Assistant)
5. Soldier Clik/ SKT
6. Soldier GD (Adivasi)
7. Soldier TDN, All trades (Except House Keeper & Mess Keeper)
8. Soldier Tdn House Keeper and Mess Keeper

Age Limit: Candidates age must be between 17 1/2 to 21 years for post 1, 2, & 6 and 17 1/2 to 23 years for remaining posts

Educational Qualification: Candidates must possess VIII Class for Post 6 & 8, SSC for post 1, 2 & 7, Soldier General Duty posts, 10+2/ HSC Pass in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Maths for post 3, 12th class/ B.Sc Degree (Botany/ Zoology/ Bio-Science) for post 4 & 10th/ 12th class with English and Math’s/ Accts/ Book Keeping/ Graduation for post 5.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected on the basis of Screening and Physical Fitness Test.

How to Apply: Candidates have to attend for recruitment rally along with 16 copies of unattested pass port size color photographs, original documents along with copies of all relevant certificates at Bhavnagar University Ground/ Stadium, Bhavnagar from 02-05-2013 to 09-05-2013.

Important Dates & Venue:
Recruitment Rally: From 02-05-2013 to 09-05-2013.
Venue:  Bhavnagar University Ground/ Stadium, Bhavnagar
Date for CCE Examination: 28-07-2013.

For more details regarding age, qualifications, selections and other information click on the below given link….


Thanks for reading Indian Army Recruitment 2013 – Soldiers Recruitment Rally at Bhavnagar

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